The debut feature of renowned scriptwriter Huo Xin, Bound in Heaven is a poignant tale of love and resilience starring Ni Ni, Zhou You, and Liao Fan. This deeply touching film tackles domestic violence and terminal illness with assured direction and outstanding performances.



Bound in Heaven

Huo Xin

In her debut feature film, renowned scriptwriter Huo Xin brings together some of China's most sought-after actors, including Ni Ni, known for her role in Zhang Yimou’s The Flowers of War; Zhou You, who also appears at this year’s Festival in Jia Zhang-Ke’s Caught By The Tides; and Liao Fan, recognized for his intense performance in Black Coal, Thin Ice.

Ni Ni plays Xia You, a successful finance professional with a seemingly perfect life. Beneath this glittering facade, however, lies a dark secret: she has an abusive partner (Liao Fan) who subjects her to severe physical and psychological violence. Desperate to see her favourite star Faye Wong in concert, Xia’s search for scalped tickets leads her to a fateful encounter with Xu Zitai (Zhou You), a terminally ill man. Their chemistry is immediate, and their first sexual encounter in a dark alley is unforgettable. When Xia later meets Xu Zitai by chance during a business trip in the city, where he now runs a small noodle shop, she may never leave him again.

Deeply touching, Bound in Heaven addresses important issues such as domestic violence and the challenges of terminal illness within China’s healthcare system. Huo’s assured direction and nuanced and emotive script allow her leads to excel in their portrayals of two characters bound together by inevitable death and star-crossed love. A romantic yet unflinchingly honest portrayal of affection and resilience, the film marks the welcome arrival of a bright new talent in China’s world of auteur filmmaking.


Content advisory: themes of suicide; sexually suggestive scenes


Thu Sep 05

Scotiabank 7

P & I
Fri Sep 06

TIFF Lightbox 4

Sat Sep 07

Scotiabank 8

Wed Sep 11

TIFF Lightbox 4
